Flowers: Some are big, some are small. Some are sweet-smelling and some can knock you off your feet from their bad smell, like the Titan arum. Anyone can learn how to draw flowers because the steps are always the same: First you grasp the basic shape of the flower, then you draw the sketch based on it, and finish the drawing by adding all the details and placing shadows.
Let’s learn together how easy it can be to draw a flower using two examples.
Getting the basic shape right is an important first step, because it is the basis for being able to draw petals and stamens.
However, we should keep the shape itself as simple as possible: In our two example drawings, the basic shape is a plate with a wide edge.
Now we add a detailed sketch to our basic shape, in which individual components of the flowers can be clearly seen.
In this step we should take our time, work precisely and cleanly. Necessary corrections can be made in this step before we work on the final steps in the drawing.
In the last step we focus only on the right structure of our flower. Maybe we can make use of a certain hatching technique or need certain colors for a colored pencil drawing or pencils for a pencil drawing.
This step is particularly enjoyable if the previous two steps have been well implemented.
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